Bank Stability Concerns
banks provide additional sediment to water, affecting water quality
and sediment load.
Areas with unstable banks are prone to channel widening.
Bank stability is dependent on sediment type, bank profile, vegetation,
and hydrology.
Concerns are elevated due to the history of the study reach.
Even small amounts of bank erosion would provide additional material for transport and facilitate the availability of contaminants to the water column.
Bank stability model
Developed by USDA-ARS
National Sedimentation Laboratory
Excel-based macros that calculate Factor of Safety for bank using values for stresses based on field measurements
Inputs include bank profile, sediment characteristics, vegetative cover, and hydrograph
Bank data collection
Data collection focused on area between city of Plainwell and
intersection of Kalamazoo River near M-89 below Otsego City Dam.
Performed two field tests: jet test and
bore-hole shear test (BST)
Collected samples for particle size and bulk density analysis to be
analyzed at USGS
Kentucky Sediment Laboratory
Collected photos of each transect and noted vegetation