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Michigan Water Science Center


Big Rapids Water Quality Data

Project Chief
Denis Healy

Streamflow, physical properties, dissolved major and trace elements, solids,nutrient, and organic carbon.

Station 04121640 - May 22, 2000 - Muskegon River near Big Rapids, Mich. (Upper)

Station 04121650 - May 23, 2000 - Muskegon River at Big Rapids, Mich. (Lower)

Suspended sediment and bedload data.

Station 04121640 - Muskegon River near Big Rapids, Mich. (Upper)

Station 04121650 - Muskegon River at Big Rapids, Mich. (Lower)

Michigan Real-Time Water Quality Data

Station 04121650 - Muskegon River at Big Rapids, Mich. (Lower)

Reference Tables for Water Quality- Streamflow, physical properties, dissolved major and trace elements, solids, nutrient, and organic carbon.


City of Big Rapids


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Station 04126550 - Muskegon River at Big Rapids, Mich.

Located at the Maple Street Bridge (M-20) in Big Rapids, MI

Streamflow, physical properties, dissolved major and trace elements, solids, nutrient, and organic carbon.

[ft3/sec, cubic feet per second; °C, degrees Celsius; mm of Hg, millimeters of mercury; mS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; µg/L, milligrams per liter; NTU, nephelometric turbidity units; <, less than; µg/L, micrograms per liter; dis, dissolved]
Analyte Parameter code Units 23-May-00
Streamflow, physical properties, and dissolved oxygen
streamflow, instantaneous 00061 ft3/sec 2,970
water temperature 00010 °C 15
barometric pressure 00025 mm of Hg 739
specific conductance 00095 µS/cm 244
oxygen, dissolved 00300 µg/L 9.5
pH (hydrogen ion activity) 00400 pH units 7.8
alkalinity, field, dissolved 39086 µg/L as CaCO3 95
turbidity 00076A NTU 2.3
Dissolved major elements, trace elements, and solids
bicarbonate, field, dissolved 00453 mg/L 116
calcium 00915D mg/L 31
chloride 00940J mg/L 11
fluoride 00950B mg/L <.1
iron 01046D µg/L 100
magnesium 00925C mg/L 8.8
manganese 01056C µg/L 5
potassium 00935B mg/L 1.2
silica 00955D mg/L 6.1
sodium 00930C mg/L 5.5
sulfate 00945G mg/L 6
residue, 180 °C 70300A mg/L 165
Nutrients and organic carbon
nitrogen, ammonia, dis. 00608F mg/L <.02
nitrogen, ammonia + organic, dis 00623D mg/L 0.7
nitrogen, ammonia + organic, wwr 00625D mg/L 0.9
nitrogen, nitrite, dis 00613F mg/L <.01
nitrogen, nitrite + nitrate, dis 00631E mg/L 0.14
phosphorus, dis 00666G mg/L 0.02
phosphorus, wwr 00665G mg/L 0.05
phosphorus, phosphate, orthophosphate 00671H mg/L <.01
carbon, organic, dissolved 00681A mg/L 26
Whole water recoverable major and trace elements.
[µg/L, micrograms per liter; <, less than; µg/L, milligram per liter; E, estimated]
Analyte Parameter code Units 22-May-00
aluminum 01105D µg/L 208
antimony 01097C µg/L <1
arsenic 01002E µg/L <3
barium 01007C µg/L 21.1
beryllium 01012C µg/L <5
cadmium 01027F µg/L <.1
calcium 00916C mg/L 32.2
chromium 01034E µg/L <1
cobalt 01037F µg/L <2
copper 01042G µg/L <20
iron 01045C µg/L 515
lead 01051F µg/L <1
lithium 01132B µg/L <7
magnesium 00927C mg/L 8.8
manganese 01055D µg/L 61.9
mercury 71900B µg/L <.3
molybdenum 01062B µg/L 1
nickel 01067F µg/L E1
potassium 00937B mg/L 1.2
selenium 01147D µg/L <3
silver 01077F µg/L <1
sodium 00929C mg/L 5.7
strontium 01082B µg/L 79.5
zinc 01092C µg/L <31
Dissolved pesticides.
[µg/L, micrograms per liter; <, less than; E, estimated]
Analyte Parameter code Units 22-May-00
2,6-diethylaniline 82660D µg/L <0.003
acetochlor 49260D µg/L 0.014
alachlor 46342D µg/L <.002
alpha-HCH 34253D µg/L <.002
atrazine 39632D µg/L 0.07
azinphos-methyl 82686D µg/L <.001
benfluralin 82673D µg/L <.002
butylate 04028D µg/L <.002
carbaryl 82680D µg/L <.003
carbofuran 82674D µg/L <.003
chlorpyrifos 38933D µg/L <.004
cis-permethrin 82687D µg/L <.005
cyanazine 04041D µg/L <.004
dacthal 82682D µg/L <.002
deethylatrazine 04040D µg/L E.014
diazinon 39572D µg/L <.002
dieldrin 39381D µg/L <.001
disulfoton 82677D µg/L <.017
EPTC 82668D µg/L <.002
ethafluralin 82663D µg/L <.004
ethoprophos 82672D µg/L <.003
fonofos 04092D µg/L <.003
lindane 39341D µg/L <.004
linuron 82666D µg/L <.002
malathion 39532D µg/L <.005
metolachlor 39415D µg/L 0.012
metribuzin 82630D µg/L <.004
molinate 82671D µg/L <.004
napropamide 82684D µg/L <.003
parathion 39542D µg/L <.004
parathion-methyl 82667D µg/L <.006
pebulate 82669D µg/L <.004
pendimethalin 82683D µg/L <.004
phorate 82664D µg/L <.002
p,p’-DDE 34653D µg/L <.006
prometon 04037D µg/L <.018
pronamide 82676D µg/L <.003
propachlor 04024D µg/L <.007
propanil 82679D µg/L <.004
propargite 82685D µg/L <.013
simazine 04035D µg/L 0.011
tebuthiuron 82670D µg/L <.010
terbacil 82665D µg/L <.007
terbufos 82675D µg/L <.013
thiobencarb 82681D µg/L <.002
triallate 82678D µg/L <.001
trifluralin 82661D µg/L <.002

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