U. S. Geological Survey - Water Resources - Michigan District

Water Resources of Michigan

Contents of Ground-Water Flow and Contributing Areas to Public -Supply Wells in Kingsford and Iron Mountain, Michigan

US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation 00-4226
Lansing, Michigan 2001

By: Carol L. Luukkonen and D. B. Westjohn

Charles G. Groat, Director
Prepared in cooperation with the cities of Kingsford and Iron Mountain, Michigan
Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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Maps showing:
1. Location of Kingsford and Iron Mountain in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
2. Location of public-supply wells in the cities of Kingsford and Iron Mountain, Michigan
3. Location of well fields and physical features in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
4. Location of lines of sections and test and supply wells, in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
5. North-south section view of Kingsford's well field, Michigan
6. North-south section view of Iron Mountain's well field, Michigan
7. Ground water levels in the upper aquifer in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
8. Model grid for simulating the ground-water-flow system underlying the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
9. Estimated land surface elevations, Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
10. Estimated configuration of the bottom of the upper aquifer (model layer 1), in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
11. Estimated configuration of the bottom of the lower aquifer (model layer 2), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
12. Estimated configuration of the bottom of the lodgement till and metasedimentary rocks (model layer 3), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
13. Boundary of model area, in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
14. Hydraulic conductivity zones in the upper aquifer (model layer 1) for the ground-water-flow model, Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
15. Hydraulic conductivity zones in the lower aquifer (model layer 2) for the ground-water-flow model, Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
16. Hydraulic conductivity zones in the lodgement till and metasedimentary rocks (model layer 3) for the ground-water-flow model, Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
17. Hydraulic conductivity zones in confining unit between the upper and lower aquifers (model layers 1 and 2), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
18. Estimated vertical leakance between the upper and lower aquifers (model layers 1 and 2), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
19. Estimated vertical leakance between the lower aquifer and the lodgement till-metasedimentary rocks (model layers 2 and 3), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
Graphs showing:
20a. Relation between observed and simulated water levels in the upper aquifer (model layer 1), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
20b. Relation between observed and simulated water levels in the lower aquifer (model layer 2), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
20c. Relation between observed and simulated water levels in the metasedimentary rocks (model layer 3), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
Maps showing:
21. Distribution of simulated minus observed water levels in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
22. Simulated ground-water levels in the upper aquifer (model layer 1), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
23. Simulated ground-water levels in the lower aquifer (model layer 2), Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
24. Estimated 10-year contributing and zone of transport areas projected to land surface in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
25. Estimated 40-year contributing and zone of transport areas projected to land surface in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain area, Michigan
1. Estimated transmissivities for the glacial aquifers underlying Kingsford and Iron Mountain well fields, Michigan
2. Initial horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity estimates for layer zones in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain ground-water-flow model, Michigan
3. Final hydraulic conductivity estimates for layer zones in the Kingsford-Iron Mountain ground-water-flow model, Michigan
4. Ground-water-flow model budget, Kingsford-Iron Mountain, Michigan
1a. Root mean square error values for selected scenarios

For additional information
write to:

District Chief
U.S. Geological Survey, WRD
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, MI 48911-5991

Copies of this report can be
purchased from:

U.S. Geological Survey
Branch of Information Services
Federal Center
Box 25086
Denver, CO 80225


Luukkonen, Carol L., and Westjohn, D. B., 2000, Ground-Water Flow and Contributing Areas to Public -Supply Wells in Kingsford and Iron Mountain, Michigan, US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4226

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