Water supplied to the Lake Sally system when precipitation is average is estimated to be 2.57 ft3/s or 13.4 in/yr. Use of water by Ishpeming is about 3.5 ft3/s or 18.27 in/yr. When the Lake Sally system supply is insufficient, the city also obtains some water from Cedar Lake and Lake Angeline outside the Lake Sally system.
Results of a base-flow investigation in 1977 on Ely Creek, the outlet of the Lake Sally system, indicate that ground-water flow to the lake system is between 0.08 and 0.17 ft3/s.
Grannemann, N. G., 1978, Water supply potential of the Lake Sally System,
Marquette County, Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-1046, 14
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