TITLE: Great Lakes Basin Commission: 1976 Annual Report
AUTH. ADDRESS: Great Lakes Basin Commission Ann Arbor, MI.
SOURCE: Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield; VA 22161 as PB-281 042, Price codes: A03 in paper copy, A01 in microfiche. 1976. 20 p, 9 fig.
MAJOR TOPIC: water resources planning - ecologic impact of water development
KEYWORDS: *water resources; *water resources development; *great lakes basin; planning; comprehensive planning; future planning(projected); environmental effects; natural resources; water policy; water quality; erosion; land use; sedimentation; flood control; recreation; fish; wildlife; management; social aspects; regional development
ABSTRACT: Highlights of the activities, programs, studies and a financial statement for the period July 1, 1975 through September 30, 1976, are reported. Among the members of the Great Lakes Basin Commission are the States of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. During the period the Commission continued to advocate increased State responsibility and involvement in all planning activities. Work began on the comprehensive coordinated joint plan for the Great Lakes. This is a broad effort to guide the use of water related resources as far as 50 years into the future. The Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, a comprehensive basic study on the Great Lakes System, was completed. The National Water Assessment--Great Lakes Region is scheduled for completion in 1978. 'Great Lakes Basin Programs 1976-1977' describes planning, research, and data acquisition programs conducted by government agencies during 1976. Progress is reported on Level B studies and policy studies. Activities of the various standing committees and States are reviewed. The Great Lakes Basin Library, open to the public, is a Selected Federal Depository Library and receives all Federal publications pertaining to water and land in the Great Lakes Basin. (Davison-IPA)
RECORD ID: 7906784
F&G CODE: 06g