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Water resources of the Marquette iron range area, Michigan, 1967

By: Wiitala, S.W., Newport, T.G., and Skinner, E.L.


Water data are summarized on present availability of water, future potential, and other elements relating to the water resources. Benefication and pelletizing processes in the iron and steel industry require large quantities of water, and the best potential sources for immediate development are inland lakes and streams. The natural flow available is about 190 cfs, but the development of storage sites could increase this amount to about 450 cfs. Extensive outwash deposits, the best sources of groundwater, could also be developed. For most uses, the chemical quality of the surface and groundwaters is generally acceptable. Some management problems discussed are time distribution of available water supplies, distribution of water to points of use, effect of surface-water development upon groundwater, and possible conflicts with competing uses. (LLAVERIAS-USGS)

RECORD ID: 6903971

F&G CODE: 06d; 03d

Wiitala, S.W., Newport, T.G., and Skinner, E.L., 1967, Water resources of the Marquette iron range area, Michigan: Water-Supply Paper 1842, 142 p.

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