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Analog simulation of ground-water development of the Saginaw Formation, Lansing Metropolitan area, Michigan, 1968

By: Vanlier, K.E., and Wheeler, M.L.


It is estimated that the demands for water from the Saginaw formation for municipal, industrial, and institutional supplies in the Lansing metropolitan area, Michigan, will total about 43 mgd in 1975 and about 57 mdg in 1985. This analog study indicates that these quantities of water are available from the formation. Although this model analysis does not include a study of the potential yield of the area can be utilized to provide an additional 7 mgd in 1975 and 15 mgd in 1985. Thus water demands of 50 mgd in 1975 and 72 mgd in 1985 can be obtained from the local groundwater resources. Since the glacial aquifers will be recharged from streamflow, the drawdown of water levels will tend to be small as a result of the availability of recharge. These drift aquifers also tend to be of small areal extent. Hence, the withdrawal of water from the glacial aquifers will not significantly affect the potential rate of withdrawal from the Saginaw formation. (WOODARD-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7306824

F&G CODE: 04b; 02f; 06a

Vanlier, K.E., and Wheeler, M.L., 1968, Analog simulation of ground-water development of the Saginaw Formation, Lansing Metropolitan area, Michigan (also called "Lansing ground water"): Tri-County Planning Commission, Lansing Ground-Water Report, 40 p.

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