The water resources of the tri-county region, consisting of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties, an area of 1,697 square miles in Michigan’s lower peninsula were investigated. The population is nearing 400,000 and by 1990 will be near 600,000. Average daily water use is slightly more than 30 million gallons today; by 1980 it will be about 50 million gallons, and by 1990 it will probably be about 70 million gallons. The tri-county region is drained by seven river systems. Low flows in cubic feet per second, are as follows: grand river, 180; maple river, 34; looking glass river, 28; red cedar river, 30; portage creek, 15; battle creek, 20; and Thornapple river, 24--a total of 331 cubic feet per second or about 220 million gallons per day. The principal source of groundwater is a complex aquifer system composed of the Saginaw and Grand River formations and some of the overlying glacial sediments. This aquifer yields between 300 and 700 gpm to individual wells. In some parts of the region, the glacial sediments are favorable for development of moderate to large supplies of water. Some of the chief factors and methods that must be considered when planning water systems are combined use of ground and surface water, artificial recharge, treatment of wastes, use of storage reservoirs, and importation of water from the great lakes.
Vanlier, K.E., Wood, W.W., and Brunett, J.O., 1973, Water-supply development and
management alternatives for Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham County, Michigan: U.S.
Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1969, 111 p.
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