Southeastern Michigan, an area of 5,407 sq mi, encompasses all or parts of 13 counties and is drained by 7 major streams. About half of the state's population reside in the area. The land surface ranges in altitude from about 570 ft to about 1,200 ft. Precipitation ranges from 28 to 34 in annually. The average stream discharge in the area is about 2,300 cfs. Both bedrock and glacial deposits yield water to wells in the study area. Aquifers of both rock types underlie parts of the area. Of the bedrock formations that are tapped, the Saginaw formation, marshal formation, berea sandstone, sylvania sandstone, and bass islands dolomite generally yield the greatest quantities of water--in some places as much as 300 gpm. In the glacial deposits, sand and gravel, often occurring as outwash, are the principal water-producing rocks. In some places as much as 3,000 gpm can be obtained from these rocks. In both bedrock and glacial deposits the concentration of dissolved solids increases as the well depth increases. Many deeper wells yield water that is too highly mineralized for most uses. (WOODARD-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7606457
F&G CODE: 04b; 05a; 02f; 02k
Twenter, F.R., 1975, Ground water and geology--southeastern Michigan: U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Detroit, Michigan, 143 p.
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