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Hydrologic provinces of Michigan, 1991

By: Rheaume, S.J.


Twelve hydrologic provinces in Michigan are delineated on the basis of similarities in aquifer lithology, yield, recharge, and groundwater quality and surface-water quality data. The definition of statewide hydrologic characteristics and the delineation of hydrologic provinces improves the understanding of Michigan's water resources and provides a firm basis for realistic water management decisions. The 12 provinces identified areas where bedrock aquifers provide most of the potable groundwater (five provinces), where glacial-deposit aquifers provide most of the potable groundwater (three provinces), and where problems with water quantity and (or) quality have limited the use of groundwater as a water supply (four provinces). Subprovinces are defined on the basis of regional surface water flow directions toward each of the Great Lakes. (USGS)

RECORD ID: 9208747

F&G CODE: 02f; 04a; 05g

Rheaume, S.J., 1991, Hydrologic provinces of Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4120, 73 p.

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