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Water Resources of the Clinton River basin, southeastern Michigan, 1973

By: Nowlin, J.O.


This hydrologic atlas provides information on the physical features of the Clinton River, Michigan, and its tributaries, the characteristics of streamflow, the quality of ground and surface water, and the availability of groundwater. The Clinton River rises in a chain of lakes near the northwest edge of the basin. The drainage system in the undulating uplands of the headwaters area is poorly developed, consisting of a series of interconnected lakes and marshes draining to the south. About 670 lakes and ponds are within the Clinton river basin, ranging in size from 1,280 acres to less than an acre. The population of the Clinton river basin is primarily urban and suburban. The population in 1970 was about 900,000, of which 760,000 (about 84 percent) was concentrated in incorporated cities of 14,000 or more. The largest city is warren, with a 1970 population of 179,260. The surficial features of the Clinton river basin were formed by the action of glacial ice and melt waters on rock debris deposited by the ice sheets of the last glacial period. Outwash and deltaic deposits are generally well sorted and coarse grained and generally are excellent sources of water. Wells completed in the bedrock generally yield only small supplies of water, although large supplies may be obtained occasionally. (KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7508514

F&G CODE: 07c; 04a; 04b; 02k

Nowlin, J.O., 1973, Water Resources of the Clinton River basin, southeastern Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-469, 36 p. 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.

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