Major objective involved is delineation of the pre-glacial drainage pattern and changes imposed upon this pattern by repeated glaciation in order to provide basic data for future ground-water investigations and development in an eight-county metropolitan area. Existing oil, gas, water well, and test-boring records were used to compile on a county basis, bedrock topography, glacial drift thickness, and water-level maps and revise, whenever possible, existing bedrock and surficial geologic maps. These should be of considerable interest and use to individuals concerned with local or regional planning activities. Present findings indicate (1) bedrock surface (350-400 ft. Relief) is a highly dissected one, (2) age chronology of the pleistocene section (0-500 ft) is essential in differentiating between pre-glacially and glacially carved bedrock valleys, and (3) increasing urbanization strongly points to contamination of pleistocene and paleozoic aquifers; the former primarily by domestic septic tank concentrations and the latter, particularly in carbonate terrain with shallow overburden, by septic tanks and the induced infiltration of polluted surface waters by heavy groundwater withdrawal.
RECORD ID: 6800491
F&G CODE: 04b
Mozola, A.J., Groundwater and Bedrock Delineation in Southeastern Michigan:
Annual Progress Report on Project to the Office of Water Resources Research,
Dept. of the Interior; 1968.
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