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Geology for environmental planning in Monroe County, Michigan, 1970

By: Mozola, A.J.


Monroe County, situated in the extreme southeast corner of Michigan, is underlain by Paleozoic rock strata dipping gently northwest. The bedrock stratigraphic sequence consists largely of carbonate rocks with some sandstones and shales. The bedrock surface is almost completely veneered by glacial drift varying in thickness from a few inches to nearly 160 feet. Over most of the county, however, the drift is considerably less than 30 feet. Only a few natural rock exposures occur at widely scattered localities. Throughout most of the county, except principal urban areas, domestic water supplies are obtained primarily from wells completed in bedrock; and wastes are deposed in septic tanks. The groundwater resource, therefore, is particularly vulnerable to contamination. Knowledge of geologic conditions then becomes a crucial consideration in land-use planning. Accompanying the report is a series of half-inch-to mile county maps depicting bedrock geology, bedrock topography, drift thickness, glacial geology, and piezometric water level. A small bedrock map of the state and a stratigraphic nomenclature chart are also included. (KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7104370

F&G CODE: 04c; 05b; 06g

Mozola, A.J., 1970, Geology for environmental planning in Monroe County, Michigan: Michigan Geological Survey Report Investigation 13, 34 p.

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