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Flood of April 1975 at Lansing, Michigan

By: Miller, J.B., and Swallow, L.A.


Discharge data for the flood of April 1975 in the Lansing, Michigan, area were obtained on the grand river at Lansing, red cedar river at east Lansing, sycamore creek near holt, mud lake drain near Lansing, and carrier creek near Lansing. Discharge hydrographs for these gaging stations are shown. The peak discharge of 11,200 cfs occurred on the Grand River at 6 p. M. On April 20. This discharge is equivalent to a runoff of 9.11 cfs per square mile of drainage area. The extent of flooding along the Grand River and the lower reaches of the red cedar river is shown on photomosaic base maps. Maximum sediment concentrations on the grand river at the gaging station at Lansing were 300 to 350 mg/litre on April 19 and 20; peak sediment concentrations occurred several hours prior to the time of peak flow. During the April 19-24 period, an estimated 26,000 tons of suspended sediment passed the gaging station. The flood had a recurrence interval of slightly more than 10 years, or about a 10 percent chance of occurrence in any year. (WOODARD-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7601189

F&G CODE: 02e; 02j; 04a

Miller, J.B., and Swallow, L.A., 1975, Flood of April 1975 at Lansing, Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-300, 2 Sheets, 14 Fig, 3 Tab.

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