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Water Resources Data Michigan, Water Year 1982

By: Miller, J.B., Oberg, J.L. and Sieger, T.Jr


Water resources data for the 1982 water year for Michigan consist of RECORDs of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water temperature of ground water. This report contains discharge RECORDs for 169 gaging stations; stage only RECORDs for 4 gaging stations; stage and contents for 5 lakes and reservoirs; water quality for 61 continuous-RECORD stations; and water levels for 53 observation wells. Also included are 82 crest-stage partial-RECORD stations and 44 low-flow partial-RECORD stations. Additional water data were collected at various sites, not part of the systematic data-collection program, and are published as miscellaneous measurements. (USGS)

RECORD ID: 8403625

F&G CODE: 07c

Miller, J.B., Oberg, J.L. and Sieger, T.Jr, Water Resources Data Michigan, Water Year 1982: Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield; VA 22160, as PB83 229500. USGS Water-Data Report MI-82-1, 1983. 487 p, 9 Fig.

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