USGS Visual Identity

Map Showing Flood of April 1975 at East Lansing, Michigan

By: Knutilla, R.L.and Swallow, L.A.


This is one of a series of map reports on the April 1975 flood in the Lansing, Michigan metropolitan area. The drainage area of the red cedar river at East Lansing is 355 square miles. About two weeks prior to the flood a heavy snow fell over most of the red cedar river basin. As much as 13 inches were recorded at some places. Subsequent melting increased streamflow. The extent of flooding along the red cedar river is shown on a photomosaic base map. A discharge hydrograph for the red cedar river at East Lansing shows the peak discharge of 5,940 cfs which occurred near midnight on April 20. This discharge is equivalent to a runoff of about 16.7 cfs per square mile of drainage area. A maximum sediment concentration of about 350 mg/litre at the gaging station on the red cedar river at East Lansing occurred on April 20; peak concentrations occurred several hours prior to the time of peak discharge. During the April 19-24 period, an estimated 11,500 tons of suspended sediment passed the gaging station. The flood has a recurrence interval of about 40 years, or about 2.5 percent chance of occurrence in any year. (WOODARD-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7601188

F&G CODE: 02e; 02j; 04a

Knutilla, R.L.and Swallow, L.A., Map Showing Flood of April 1975 at East Lansing, Michigan: Open-File Report 75-299, 1975. 1 Sheet, 8 Fig, 2 Tab.

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