To provide necessary data for use in the designing of drainage and water control facilities on small watersheds, a dense network of rain gages was installed on the deer-sloan creek watershed during April 1956 in Ingham County, Michigan. Because the relatively level to gently rolling terrain provides little orographic influence on the weather patterns in the area, the data obtained should be representative for much of southern Michigan. The report consists of two basic sections. The first, prepared by U.S. geological survey, deals with streamflow characteristics (1954-1964) and streamflow data (1954-1966) for the deer and Sloan creeks. The final section presents tabulated monthly summary precipitation data for the period 1956 through 1967. (KNAPP-USGS)
RECORD ID: 6903045
F&G CODE: 02a
Strommen, N.D., Knutilla, R.L., Mueller, C., Hydrologic Studies of Small
Watersheds in Agricultural Areas of Southern Michigan: Mich Water Resources Comm
Rep NO 3; 191 P, July 1968. 15 Fig, 16 Tab, 2 Ref.
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