The water resources of the belle river basin, southeastern Michigan are described in a 1-sheet hydrological atlas consisting of maps, graphs, tables and text. Streamflow is summarized and tabulated. Groundwater is obtained mainly from glacial drift deposits, in which yields may be over 100 gpm. Bedrock wells in the western end of the basin yield as much as 100-500 gpm, and in the eastern end yields are commonly less than 10 gpm. Some water from bedrock wells in the eastern part of the basin is too salty for most uses.(KNAPP-USGS)
RECORD ID: 6907734
F&G CODE: 07c; 03b; 02e
Knutilla, R.L., Water Resources of the Belle River Basin, Southeastern Michigan:
Geol Surv Hydrol Invest Atlas HA-317; 1 Sheet, Scale 1:125,000, 1969. Text, 5
Fig, 7 Map, 2 Tab.
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