The water resources of the pine river basin, southeastern Michigan are described in a 1-sheet hydrological atlas consisting of 2 maps scaled 1:250,000, and 6 maps scaled about 4 miles to 1 inch. Tables, stream gradient profiles, and water quality graphs are also included. The land surface of the pine river basin, an area of 194 sq mi, is a relatively flat or gently undulating northwest to southeast trending glacial lake plain. Drainage is not well developed in the basin. Many stream courses are poorly defined, having cut only from 3 to 10 ft below the adjacent plain. For this reason, ditches and drains are necessary to effectively drain parts of the basin. There are a few small scattered ponds, but no lakes within the basin. Water can be obtained almost anywhere in the basin from wells completed in glacial deposits. Surface water in the basin is of a chemical quality generally suitable for most uses. Water from shallow wells, as indicated from analyses in adjacent basins and reflected in the quality of stream waters, is of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate type, but water from wells at depths greater than about 75 ft are of the sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride type.(KNAPP-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7007028
F&G CODE: 07c; 02e; 02f
Knutilla, R.L., Water Resources of the Pine River Basin, Southeastern Michigan:
For Sale by U. S. Geological Survey, Wash, DC; 20402 - Price $0.75 Cents.
Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-327, 1 Sheet, 1969. Text, 3
Fig, 7 Map, 2 Tab.
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