Data are compiled for use in the formulation of a plan for the optimum development of the water resources of the southeastern Michigan area. The overall study encompasses an area of about 5,400 square miles. This report is on the river rouge basin. Streamflow, physiographic, and other data on waters in the basin are presented. Summaries include the following data: station description, table of monthly and yearly mean discharge, table of monthly and yearly runoff, table of yearly discharge, and summaries of flow characteristics including flow duration, low flow, high flow, and deficient discharge.(KNAPP-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7005070
F&G CODE: 02e
Knutilla, R.L., Gazetteer of Hydrologic Data for the River Rouge Basin,
Southeastern Michigan: Corps Engineers, Southeastern Michigan Water Resources
Study; Technical Paper NO 1, March 1969. 84 P, 3 Fig, 11 Tab.
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