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Water resources of the Black River basin, southeastern Michigan, 1970

By: Knutilla, R.L.


This 3-sheet hydrologic atlas is a part of a comprehensive study of the water resources of southeastern Michigan. The purpose of the atlas is to provide information on (1) the physical features of black river and its tributaries, (2) the characteristics of streamflow, (3) the quality of ground and surface water, and (4) the groundwater aquifers of the area. Water from streams is of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate type and is very hard. Stream water is generally high in sulfates and, locally, high in chlorides. Water from shallow wells in the glacial drift is of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate type. Water from deep wells in the glacial drift is of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride types. Water from bedrock wells may be of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, or mixtures of these types. Most wells completed in glacial drift in the southeastern one-third of the basin will yield only small supplies of water, and some will fail to yield even the small amount needed for a domestic supply. Somewhat larger supplies may be obtained from the glacial drift in the north and western parts of the basin. The outwash areas in the headwaters of mill and elk creeks are the most favorable for obtaining large supplies of water. Maps show quality of water, physiography, geology, well yields, and groundwater levels. Stream profiles, hydrographs, tables, duration curves, frequency curves, and tabular presentation are used to summarize data.(KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7105869

F&G CODE: 07c; 02e; 02f

Knutilla, R.L., 1970, Water resources of the Black River basin, southeastern Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas 338, 10 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.

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