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Statistical Summaries of Michigan Streamflow Data, 1970

By: Knutilla, R.L.


Michigan gaging station data of 10 or more years of record and which were not seriously affected by regulation are tabulated. Selected summaries--summaries used most frequently by consultants and water managers--are compiled for this report. For each gaging station the following data are provided: duration table of daily discharge; lowest mean discharge; highest mean discharge; monthly mean discharges; annual mean discharge; and annual peak discharges. For stations having 19 or more years of record duration hydrographs are shown. (KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7101088

F&G CODE: 02e; 07c

Knutilla, R.L., Statistical Summaries of Michigan Streamflow Data: Geological Survey Open-File Report 70-189; June 1970. 283 P, 5 Fig, 15 Ref.

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