This 2-sheet hydrologic atlas represents a part of a comprehensive study of the water resources of southeastern Michigan. Its purpose is to provide information on (1) the physical features of the river rouge and its tributaries, (2) the characteristics of streamflow, (3) the quality of ground and surface water, and (4) the availability of the groundwater. The river rouge basin, a triangular area of 467 square miles, is characterized by hilly or moderately undulating topography in the north and west and by relatively flat land to the southeast. Larger streams in the basin flow through well defined valleys having gradually sloping banks which are from 20 to 30 feet above the valley floor. In areas of intensive urbanization natural drainage patterns have been altered by ditches and drains constructed of storm sewers. There are 404 lakes and ponds in the basin ranging in size from less than an acre to the 670 acres in walled lake. The river rouge basin lies within the Detroit metropolitan area and, except for isolated areas, the basin has been urbanized. In much of the basin population densities are among the highest in the state. In the river rouge basin water is relatively uniform in quality and, except for that obtained from bedrock, is chemically suitable for most municipal, agricultural and industrial supplies. Small to moderate quantities of water are available nearly everywhere in the river rouge basin from wells completed in the glacial drift or bedrock aquifers. Wells drilled in bedrock usually yield water that is too highly mineralized for most uses.(KNAPP-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7108535
F&G CODE: 07c; 02e
Knutilla, R.L., 1971, Water resources of the River Rouge basin, southeastern
Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA- 356, 12 p.,
2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
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