The upper rifle river basin covers an area of 117 square miles in the northeastern part of Michigan’s lower peninsula. Streamflow from the basin averages 140 cfs. Of this amount, about 103 cfs is derived from groundwater sources and 37 cfs from overland runoff. About 46 cfs reaches the basin from areas north and west of the basin's topographic divide. Groundwater supplies are obtained primarily from glacial deposits. More than 500 billion gallons of water are stored in these deposits. Much of this water is under artesian pressure--pressure often found to be adequate to supply household needs without the use of pumps. Bedrock deposits are of minor importance as a source for water supply. Most wells in bedrock yield highly mineralized water. In contrast, water from glacial deposits, as well as from lakes and streams, is of good chemical quality.(USGS)
RECORD ID: 7113859
F&G CODE: 02e; 02k
Knutilla, R.L., Twenter, F.R. and Larson, R.W., Upper Rifle River Basin
Northeastern Lower Michigan: Geological Survey Water in Formation Series Report
1; 1971. 66 P, 64 Fig, 8 Tab, 20 Ref.
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