By the year 2000 about 400,000 people will be living in Washtenaw County, Mich. Most will live in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area. About 68 million gallons of water per day will be needed. Washtenaw County is drained by streams in the Grand, Rouge, Huron, Raisin, and Stony River basins. During an average year, more than 700 cfs (cubic feet per second) of water is discharged discharged from the county by streams in these basins. The Huron River, the largest stream, has an average annual discharge of 439 cfs at Ann Arbor. Most surface water in Washtenaw County has less than 500 mg/liter dissolved solids and is generally of a calcium bicarbonate type. Glacial deposits and bedrock are tapped for water supplies. Glacial deposits yield water throughout the county. In places, yeilds may be only enough for domestic supply. Elsewhere, permeable deposits may yield 3,000 gallons per minute for several wells in one well field. Bedrock yields water to wells primarily along the west margin and in the southeast corner of the county. Most bedrock will not yield sufficient water for large industrial or public supplies. Water from glacial deposits is generally of good quality, has low to moderate dissolved-solids content, and is of the calcium bicarbonate type. Water from bedrock is of varible quality, and dissolved solids increase with depth. In water from bedrock, sodium plus potassium constitute more than 60 percent of the cations. (Woodard-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7705759
F&G CODE: 06d; 04a; 04b; 05a
Twenter, F.R., Knutilla, R.L., and Nowlin, J.O., 1976, Water resources of
Washtenaw County, Michigan: Washtenaw County Planning Commission, 143 p.
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