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A study of the Flint River, Michigan, as it relates to low-flow augmentation, 1972

By: Hulbert, G.C.


Streamflow characteristics of the Flint River and its tributaries are described, and draft-storage relations are given for the river basin. At 17 sites, the 7-day, 2-year low flow ranges from 0 to 0.17 cfs per square mile. Existing storage, if fully utilized, could provide a minimum discharge at Montrose of 160 cfs in 19 of 20 years. Low flows, in conjunction with water diverted from Lake Huron to the flint river through the Detroit and flint water systems (about 60 cfs in 1971), would seldom be less than about 200 cfs at Montrose. Diversions from the basin for irrigation may reduce low flows by about 12 cfs. Groundwater sources offer small potential for streamflow augmentation. (KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7311207

F&G CODE: 05g; 02e

Hulbert, G.C., 1972, A study of the Flint River, Michigan, as it relates to low-flow augmentation: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 72-175, p.

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