This report summarizes data on water levels in 138 observation wells in Michigan and provides information on well locations, depths, altitudes, and aquifers that they tap. Tabulated data include extremes of water levels for 1979 and for the period of RECORD. Also tabulated is the pumpage of most MAJOR ground-water users in the State and quality data on selected wells sampled during 1979. In most areas, ground-water levels followed precipitation trends. In areas where precipitation was above normal, such as in the northern part of the State, ground-water levels were generally above average. Elsewhere levels were below average. (USGS)
RECORD ID: 8200014
F&G CODE: 02f
Huffman, G.C., Ground-Water Data for Michigan, 1979: Geological Survey Open-File
Report 80-1212; 1980. 56 p, 4 Fig, 3 Tab, 1 20 Ref.
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