Water levels, locations, depths, and aquifers tapped are given for 115 observation wells in Michigan. Tabulated data include extremes of water levels for 1983 and for the period of RECORD, pumpage of most MAJOR ground-water users in the state and quality data on selected wells. The largest reported user of ground water, the city of Lansing, pumped 8.1 billion gallons from the Saginaw Formation and glacial deposits. (USGS)
RECORD ID: 8601950
F&G CODE: 02f; 07c
Huffman, G.C., Ground-Water Data for Michigan--1983: Available from OFSS; USGS
Box 25425 Lakewood, CO 80225. USGS Open-File Report 84-623, 1984. 47 p, 5 fig, 2
tab, 100 ref.
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