Records of groundwater levels in the principal aquifers of Michigan are presented for 1970. Also included are records of groundwater pumpage, data on municipal, public and industrial water-supply facilities, and the effects of precipitation of groundwater levels. Records of water levels in areas of heavy pumpage, and in areas where changes are principally from natural influences, are illustrated or tabulated to allow comparison between these types of waterlevel fluctuations. The water levels and related data provide a day-to-day record for the evaluation of available groundwater supplies. The long-term records serve as a framework to which short-term records may be related. Water levels in most wells declined the first half of 1970 as precipitation during that period was generally below normal. However, above normal precipitation during the latter part of the year resulted in levels rising to higher stages than at the start of the year. Record high levels were observed in only 25 wells, about 60% less than in 1969.(WOODARD-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7206488
F&G CODE: 07c; 02f; 04b
Huffman, G.C. and Thompson, T., Summary of Ground-Water Hydrological Data in
Michigan in 1970: Geological Survey Open-File Report 72-173; 1971. 94 P, 41
Fig, 2 Tab, 95 Ref.
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