Records of water levels in principal aquifers of Michigan through 1973 and other related data, such as records of groundwater pumpage, are presented. Also included are data on municipal, public, and industrial water-supply facilities. Records of water levels in areas of heavy pumpage and in areas where changes are principally due to natural influences are illustrated or tabulated to allow comparison between these types of water-level fluctuations. Numerous hydrographs are included to illustrate changes in water levels. Shown in summary form are supplementary data on the yield of wells, pumpage, storage facilities, treatment, quality of water, and trends of groundwater levels for 1973 and for part of the previous record.
Huffman, G.C., Ground-Water Data For Michigan: Geological Survey Data Report;
1974. 86 P, 34 Fig, 2 Tab, 43 Ref.
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