Proceedings of the Advanced Seminar on One-Dimensional; Open- Channel Flow
and Transport Modeling. June 15-18, 1987, National Space Technology Laboratory,
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Lansing, Michigan 1989
A branch-network (BRANCH) unsteady-flow model was developed for the Saginaw River in Michigan to provide streamflow data to support solute-transport studies. Stage data have been collected on the Saginaw River since 1904. A slope rating has been developed for computing discharges greater than 10,000 cfs. For modeling purposes the Saginaw River is depicted as a series of 11 channel reaches or branches, with three additional branches representing the main tributaries in the study area. Although the drainage areas of these tributaries are relatively small, the storage capacities of their lower reaches are important. Branches are further divided into segments to better estimate local hydraulic conditions. Eleven internal junctions define the hydraulic relationships of the river system. Stage and discharge data at five external boundaries and wind data constituted boundary conditions for the flow simulations. The model was calibrated by adjusting Manning's n values, gage-datum references, and varying the water-surface drag coefficient of the wind-stress term to minimize differences between measured and simulated instantaneous streamflow values. A value of 0.0026 for the water-surface drag coefficient produced the most accurate model results. Comparison of model results with measured values indicate that the model can accurately simulate streamflow discharge for open-water conditions throughout the range of discharges normally encountered in the Saginaw River. (See also W90-10652) (Tappert-PTT)
RECORD ID: 9010658
F&G CODE: 02e; 07c
Holtschlag, D.J., 1989, Flow Model of Saginaw River Near Saginaw, Michigan:
Proceedings of the Advanced Seminar on One-Dimensional; Open- Channel Flow and
Transport Modeling. June 15-18, 1987, National Space Technology Laboratory, Bay
St. Louis, Mississippi. USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4061, p
35-38. 2 fig, 2 ref.
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