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Water Quality of Coal Deposits and Abandoned Mines, Saginaw County, Michigan, 1982

By: Handy, A.H.


Coal was last mined in Saginaw County, Michigan in 1950. Water from abandoned mines and from undisturbed coal-bearing beds in the Saginaw Formation is highly mineralized and contains high concentrations of iron. Compared to streams in the area, the water contains higher concentrations of at least 15 constituents including boron, phenol, lithium, strontium, and manganese. Water from abandoned mines and coal-bearing beds is a poor source of water for domestic, public, or agricultural uses. Large amounts of this highly mineralized ground water reaching local streams would have a deleterious effect on surface-water quality. (USGS)

RECORD ID: 8400926

F&G CODE: 07c; 03c

Handy, A.H., Water Quality of Coal Deposits and Abandoned Mines, Saginaw County, Michigan: USGS Open-File Report 82-511; 1982. 35 p, 7 Fig, 5 Tab, 12 Ref.

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