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Federal and State Assistance for Action: Rural Groundwater Contamination, 1987

By: Grannemann, N. G., Smith, D.A., O'Neil, D., Lietzau, C. E.


Assistance available from various federal, state and local government agencies in Michigan on problems associated with groundwater contamination or its protection is discussed. The U. S. Geological Survey program in Michigan is planned and funded cooperatively with 40 units of local government as well as state and federal agencies. The USGS publishes an annual series of reports titled 'Groundwater Data for Michigan ' which includes groundwater data collected for each calendar year. Additional studies are underway to relate land use to ground and surface water quality and quantity and to study pesticides in water. The U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service conducts most of its work at the county level. Historically, the Soil Conservation Service has not had a role in groundwater resources but by controlling pollution on the surface, groundwater contamination problems may be reduced or eliminated. Assistance from the state of Michigan is available from various departments and agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources, Groundwater Quality Division; the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Division; and the Department of Public Health. A wide range of technical expertise regarding all types of groundwater problems is available from the Groundwater Quality Control Section. (See also W89-02196) (Lantz-PTT)

RECORD ID: 8902221

F&G CODE: 06e; 05g

Grannemann, N. G., Smith, D.A., O'Neil, D., Lietzau, C. E., Federal and State Assistance for Action: Rural Groundwater Contamination. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan; 1987. p 393-398.

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