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Summary of Ground-Water Hydrologic Data in Michigan in 1967

By: Giroux, P. R., Huffman, G. C.


Records of groundwater levels in the principal aquifers, records of pumpage, summaries of public water supply facilities, and the effects of precipitation on groundwater levels are compiled for michigan through 1967. Records of water levels in areas of heavy pumpage and in areas where changes are principally from natural influences are illustrated or tabulated to allow comparison between these types of water-level fluctuations. The water-levels and related data provide a day-to-day record for the evaluation of available ground-water supplies. The long-term records serve as a framework to which short-term records may be related. Observation well records include water levels, well location, depth, elevation, aquifer, and extremes of water level in the past record and in 1967. Pumpage by most major water users in 1967 is tabulated. Hydrographs are used to illustrate water level changes. Well yield, pumpage, storage facilities, treatment, quality of water, per capita use and trends of water levels are summarized. (KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 6900698

F&G CODE: 02f

Giroux, P. R., Huffman, G. C., Summary of Ground-Water Hydrologic Data in Michigan in 1967: Michigan Dept of Conserv, Unnumbered Bull; 108 P, 1968. 39 Fig, 5 Tab, 86 Ref.

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