Records of groundwater levels in the principal aquifers of Michigan through 1969 are tabulated. Other related information including records of groundwater pumpage; data on municipal, public, and industrial water-supply facilities; and the effects of precipitation on groundwater levels are presented. Records of water levels in areas of heavy pumpage, and in areas where changes are principally from natural influences, are illustrated or tabulated to allow comparison between these types of water-level fluctuations. The water levels and related data provide a day-to-day record for the evaluation of available groundwater supplies. The long-term records serve as a framework to which short-term records may be related. During the first half of 1969, water levels in most wells continued the rising trend of the past several years. However, stages fell during the latter part of the year and were lower than at the end of 1968. During 1969, record-high levels were observed in 90 wells and record lows in 28. Most of the record lows occurred in heavily pumped areas, or at stations having only 2 to 3 years of record.(WOODARD-USGS)
RECORD ID: 7105351
F&G CODE: 02f; 04b; 07c
Giroux, P. R., Stoimenoff, L. E., Nowlin, J. O., and Skinner, E. L., 1966, Water
Resources of Branch County, Michigan: Michigan Geological Survey Water
Investigation 6, 158 p.
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