An overview is presented of the great lakes basin commission's major activities during the 1970 fiscal year. Accomplishments to advance the coordination of planning and development of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan for federal, state, interstate, local, and nongovernmental development of water and related land resources in the great lakes basin are discussed. Those aspects of the overall work which are expected to be of major concern or significance during the coming year are discussed. A primary objective for the coming year will be the encouragement of greater participation in the commission planning activity by local planning bodies. Work group activities for each field of concern are summarized for the entire basin area.
RECORD ID: 7301908
F&G CODE: 06e; 02h; 05g
Great Lakes Basin Commission, Great Lakes Basin Commission, Annual Report,
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1970: Available From the National Technical
Information Service as PB-209 163; $3.00 IN Paper Copy, $0.95 in Microfiche.
June 1970. 27 p, 1 Map, 13 Photo, 2 Chart.
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