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Great Lakes Basin Commission, Annual Report, Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1971

By: Great Lakes Basin Commission


An overview is presented of the great lakes basin commission's major activities during the 1971 fiscal year. Commission activities related to four basic responsibilities are reviewed: serving as principal agency for the coordination of all water resource planning in the basin; preparing the basic comprehensive, coordinated, joint plan for basin water and related land resources; recommending a long-range schedule of priorities for resource-related programs and projects; and fostering additional studies necessary for preparation of the basin plan. The commission's coordination activities and the commission's participation in joint United States-Canadian discussions and actions centering on boundary water matters are stressed. Also summarized are the commission's expectations for fiscal year 1972.


RECORD ID: 7301930

F&G CODE: 06e; 06b; 05g

Great Lakes Basin Commission, Great Lakes Basin Commission, Annual Report, Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1971: Available From the National Technical Information Service as PB-209 179; $3.00 in Paper Copy, $0.95 in Microfiche. June 1971. 24 p, 1 Map, 2 Photo.

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