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Great Lakes Basin Commission Challenges for the Future. An Interim Report on the Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, 1971

By: Great Lakes Basin Commission


The basic purpose of the great lakes basin framework study is to develop (1) projections of water and related land resource availability, and (2) estimates of the probable costs of meeting resource needs. As a reconnaissance-type investigation, the framework study is designed to provide broad-scale analyses of resource needs and problems, and generalized estimates of the probable nature, extent, timing, and cost of measures to solve these problems. Twenty-seven work groups were established to undertake this study. The focus of these work groups is divided between basic resource information with five groups, water use and management with seven groups, land use and management with six, economic and social institutions with two, environmental quality with three, and program formulation and reports with four. Preliminary investigations have indicated that population, employment, and per capita income in the great lakes region will double between 1970 and 2020. Waterborne commerce in the great lakes-st. Lawrence seaway is projected to increase to 284 million tons in 1980, 374 million tons in 2000, and 481 million tons in 2020. Other topics briefly discussed include water quality, power, recreation, aesthetic and cultural resources, shore use and erosion, and land use.


RECORD ID: 7302291

F&G CODE: 06b; 04a; 02h

Great Lakes Basin Commission, Great Lakes Basin Commission Challenges for the Future. An Interim Report on the Great Lakes Basin Framework Study: Available From the National Technical Information Service as PB-209 166; $3.00 in Paper Copy, $0.95 in Microfiche. August, 1971. 27 P, 6 Fig.

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