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Lithologic, Natural-Gamma Grain-Size, and Well-Construction Data for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio River Valley and Lower Great Lakes Region, 1976-85

By: Dumouchelle, D.H., De Roche, J.T.


Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) in southwestern Ohio was built over a highly productive glacial aquifer within the Mad River valley. WPAFB and a number of cities and industries use this aquifer for a water supply. Although numerous wells have been drilled on and around the base, data on the regional groundwater flow system are limited. In 1987, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with WPAFB, began work on a regional groundwater study. The USGS installed 35 observation wells at 13 sites on WPAFB from the fall of 1988 through spring of 1990. The first well at each site was completed in bedrock. The geological data obtained from the bedrock wells were used to determine whether additional wells were necessary to define the head distribution in the unconsolidated sediments at the site. Fourteen of the wells were completed in bedrock; the remaining 21 wells were completed in unconsolidated sediments. Split-spoon and bedrock cores were collected from all the bedrock wells. Shelby-tube samples were collected from 4 wells. The wells were drilled by either cable-tool or rotary method. Data presented include lithologic and natural-gamma logs, and, for selected sediment samples, grain-size distributions or permeability. Final well construction details, such as the total depth of well, screened interval, and grouting details, also are presented. (USGS)

RECORD ID: 9200607

F&G CODE: 02f; 07c

Dumouchelle, D.H., De Roche, J.T., Lithologic, Natural-Gamma Grain-Size, and Well-Construction Data for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio River Valley and Lower Great Lakes Region, 1976-85: Available from Books and Open-File Reports Section, USGS; Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225. USGS Open-File Report 91-181, 1991. 22p, 68 fig, 3 tab, 4 ref.

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