USGS Visual Identity

Reconnaissance of the Black River of Michigan's southern peninsula, 1971

By: Hendrickson, G.E., and Doonan, C.J.


The black river north of Johannesburg in Otsego County has been rated by many fisherman as the number one brook-trout stream in the north-central part of the southern peninsula of Michigan. Headwaters are a few miles north of Johannesburg, and the black river flows northward to join the Cheboygan River a few miles south of Cheboygan. The recreational value of a river depends on the characteristics of streamflow, water-quality, and its bed and banks. The purpose of this atlas is to describe these characteristics and to show how they relate to recreational uses. Sheet 1 of this atlas presents information on streamflow characteristics and water quality. Sheet 2 describes the physical character of the stream channel, bed and banks, and shows how it relates to streamflow, water quality, and recreational use. (KNAPP-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7108925

F&G CODE: 07c; 02e

Hendrickson, G.E., and Doonan, C.J., 1971, Reconnaissance of the Black River of Michigan's southern peninsula: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-354, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000

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