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Hydrology and Recreation on the Cold-Water Rivers of Michigan's Southern Peninsula, 1972

By: Hendrickson, G.E. and Doonan, C.J.


Michigan's cold-water rivers provide recreation to thousands of trout fishermen, boaters, campers, and cabin-dwellers. The recreational values of these rivers are dependent on their streamflow characteristics, water-quality, and character of channel, bed, and banks. Recreational values are generally benefited by a relatively uniform streamflow and a high sustained flow even during drought periods. Other valued qualities are clear water free from objectionable contaminants and river banks that are protected from erosion. A correlation of hydrologic parameters and trout populations showed a general negative relationship between mean annual maximum water temperatures and trout populations. There was positive relationship between the ratio of the 90% and 10% duration discharges and trout populations. Other hydrologic parameters investigated suggested correlation to various degrees. Maintenance of high flow during drought periods may involve management of groundwater pumpage, placing limitations on surface-water diversions, and management of the river basin to maintain or improve groundwater recharge. Maintenance or lowering of maximum water temperatures can be accomplished by preserving streamside vegetation, maintaining high drought flows, and controlling disposal of heated water to streams. (WOODARD-USGS)

RECORD ID: 7305094

F&G CODE: 05g; 04a; 06b

Hendrickson, G.E., Doonan, C.J., Hydrology and Recreation on the Cold-Water Rivers of Michigan's Southern Peninsula: Geological Survey Water Information Series Report 3; 1972. 83 P, 70 Fig, 5 Tab, 62 Ref.

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