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Ground water in Gogebic County, Michigan, 1968

By: Doonan, C.J., and Hendrickson, G.E.


The groundwater resources of gogebic county, Michigan, are described. Information on representative wells and springs is tabulated. A geologic map is included. Most of the aquifers in the county are beds of sand and gravel in glacial drift, but some wells obtain small quantities of water from fractured bedrock. The county's groundwater resources are neither abundant nor evenly distributed. Well yields of several hundred gal/min are available in a few small areas, but over most of the county, well yields are small to moderate, and in some areas the relatively small amount needed for a domestic supply is difficult or impossible to obtain. The most favorable areas for obtaining large supplies of water from wells are sand and gravel deposits along streams. Least favorable are areas where the precambrian bedrock is exposed or is covered by only a few feet of glacial drift. Most wells are drilled, and about half of them are between 50 and 100 ft deep. Wells deeper than 200 ft usually fail because of small yields or poor quality of water. Water from most wells and springs is moderately hard, and some wells and springs yield water with objectionable amounts of iron. Public water supplies are obtained from wells, springs and an abandoned mine. Groundwater resources may be inadequate to meet the needs of expanding population or industry in many places in the county. Lakes and streams are potential alternate sources. Long-term records of streamflow, groundwater levels, lake levels, and quality of water will be needed for making informed management decisions. (knapp-usgs)

RECORD ID: 6904564

F&G CODE: 02f; 03b

Doonan, C.J., and Hendrickson, G.E., 1968, Ground water in Gogebic County, Michigan: Michigan Geological Survey Water Investigation 8, 22 p.

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