USGS Visual Identity

Natural Ground-water Quality in Michigan: 1974-87

By: Cummings T.R.


Wide variations occur in the chemical and physical characteristics of natural groundwaters in Michigan. Dissolved-solids concentrations range from 20 to 76,000 mg/L. Waters having low dissolved-solids concentrations are calcium bicarbonate-type waters. Sodium, sulfate, and chloride increase as mineralization increases. Iron, aluminum, and titanium concentrations are higher at some locations than is common in most natural waters. Lead concentrations exceed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's primary drinking-water regulations at some locations in the northern part of the lower Peninsula. Generalized areal patterns of water-quality variability indicate that geology is a primary cause of differences across the State. Examples of chemical associations in water indicate that chemical analyses may be valuable in tracing and identifying mineral deposits. (USGS)

RECORD ID: 9002864

F&G CODE: 02k; 05b

Cummings T.R., 1989, Natural ground water quality in Michigan: 1974-87: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-259, 50 p.

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