USGS Visual Identity

Estimating Generalized Flood Skew Coefficients for Michigan, 1983

By: Croskey, H.M., and Holtschlag, D.J.


Current estimates of station flood frequency skew coefficients indicate that estimates of generalized skew obtained from the skew map of the United States (U.S. Water Resources Council, 1976) have a -0.27 bias for Michigan. Station skew was recomputed using currently recommended statistical procedures (Water Resources Council, 1981) and available data through 1982. Generalized skew is combined with station skew in order to improve estimates of flood-flow frequencies. As a result of this study, the mean station skew for each of three designated regions is favored for estimating generalized skew in Michigan. The Upper Peninsula, referred to as region 1, has a skew of 0.12. The southwest part of the Lower Peninsula, region 2, has a skew of 0.081. The remainder of the Lower Peninsula, region 3, has a skew of -0.17. The mean-square error associated with generalized skew determined on the basis of designated regions is 0.2. (USGS)

RECORD ID: 8500849

F&G CODE: 02e; 07c

Croskey, H.M., and Holtschlag, D.J., 1983, Estimating generalized flood skew coefficients for Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4194, 27 p.

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