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Ground Water and Geology of Baraga County, Michigan

By: C.J. Doonan and J.R. Byerlay


Most wells in Baraga County, Michigan, obtain water from beds of sand and gravel in morainal and lakebed deposits or from the Jacobsville sandstone. Yields of wells range from a few gpm to as much as 115 gpm, but most wells probably yield less than 10 gpm. Large areas where igneous and metamorphic rocks crop out or are covered only by thin drift are unfavorable for obtaining enough ground water for even a domestic supply. Quality of water from most wells is satisfactory, although most water supplies are hard and some are high in iron content. Some of the deeper wells in the Jacobsville sandstone may yield salty water. Most large public water supplies are obtained from Lake Superior, but some smaller supplies are obtained from wells and springs. (Knapp-USGS)

Doonan, C.J., and Byerlay, J.R., 1973, Ground water and geology of Baraga County, Michigan: Michigan Geological Survey Water Investigation 11, 26 p.

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