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Water Resources Data for Michigan, Water Year 1989

By: S.P. Blumer, J.C. Failing, W.W. Larson, C.R. Whited, and R.L. Leuvoy


Water resources data for the 1989 water year for Michigan consist of RECORDs of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage and contents of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water temperature of groundwater. This report contains discharge RECORDs for 145 streamflow-gaging stations; stage only RECORDs for 13 lake-gaging stations; stage and contents for 5 lakes and reservoirs; water quality RECORDs for 21 streamflow-gaging stations; water level RECORDs for 51 observation wells; and water temperature RECORDs for 4 observation wells. Also included are 48 crest-stage partial RECORD stations and 8 low-flow partial-RECORD stations. Additional water data were collected at various sites not involved in the systematic data collection program. Miscellaneous data were collected at 62 measuring sites and 10 water quality sampling sites. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating State, Local and Federal agencies in Michigan. (See also W90-05242) (USGS)

Stephen Blumer
U.S. Geological Survey
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, MI 48911
Chuck Whited
U.S. Geological Survey
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, MI 48911
Ronald LeuVoy
U.S. Geological Survey
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, MI 48911

Blumer, S.P., Failing, J.C., Larson, W.W., Whited, C.R., LeuVoy, R.L., Water Resources Data for Michigan, Water Year 1989: Available from National Technical Information Service, Springfield; VA 22161 as PB90-230947/AS. Price codes: A13 in paper copy, A02 in microfiche. USGS Water Data Report MI-89-1. USGS/WRD/HD-90/255, 1990, 283p. Prepared in cooperation with the State of Michigan and with other agencies.

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