This hydrologic atlas represents a part of a comprehensive study of the water resources of southeastern Michigan. Its purpose is to provide information on (1) physical features of the Huron River and its tributaries, (2) characteristics of streamflow, (3) quality of ground and surface water, and (4) availability of groundwater. the atlas is one in a series on river basins in southeastern Michigan. The Huron River basin, in the zone of influence of the Detroit metropolitan area, has been subjected to urbanization. Population between 1960 and 1970 in Washtenaw County increased by 35.8 percent. The city of Ann Arbor grew in population by 48.2 percent, Ypsilanti by 40.9 percent, and Livingston County by 54.2 percent. the basin drains a hatchetshaped area of 908 sq mi. Continental glaciers covered the entire basin and left deposits of sand, sandy till, and gravelly loam. About 80 percent of the basin is underlain by these deposits. The basin has more than 300 named natural and artificial lakes ranging in size from less than an acre to the 1,270 acre Belleville Lake. In addition, there are more than 750 unnamed lakes and ponds. Most lakes are in depressions left by glaciers in the morainal areas north and west of Ann Arbor. (Woodard-USGS)
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