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Glacial Aquifer System Groundwater Availability Study

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Supplementary material for SIR2015-5105 - Study Area Figures

Thumbnail for Total thickness of glacial deposits Total thickness of glacial deposits Thumbnail for Thickness of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial depositsThickness of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial deposits
Thumbnail for Texture-based estimated equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the glacial depositsTexture-based estimated equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the glacial deposits Thumbnail for Texture-based estimated equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity of the glacial depositsTexture-based estimated equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity of the glacial deposits
Thumbnail for Texture-based estimated equivalent transmissivity of the glacial depositsTexture-based estimated equivalent transmissivity of the glacial deposits Thumbnail for Specific-capacity based horizontal hydraulic conductivity of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial depositsSpecific-capacity based horizontal hydraulic conductivity of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial deposits
Thumbnail for Specific-capacity based transmissivity of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial depositsSpecific-capacity based transmissivity of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial deposits

Zip file of all PDF figures (14 MB)

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