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Relation Of Channel Slope To Reaeration Of Michigan Streams,  1973

By: Cummings, T.R.


Reaeration coefficients (k2), which are rate constants for the process of oxygen absorption from the atmosphere, were computed for Michigan’s streams using an equation developed by Bennett and Rathbun (1972). Mean velocity and mean depth data, which are necessary for the computation, were extracted from discharge measurements made at gaging stations throughout the state. The computed k2 values were related to channel slopes obtained from topographic maps. Regression equations were derived that express the relation of k2 to slope for streams at mean flow, median flow, 7-day 2-year low flow, and 7-day 10-year low flow. The equations indicate that an increase in channel slope or a decrease in streamflow increases k2. (woodard-usgs)

RECORD ID: 7314110

F&G CODE: 05b; 05g

Cummings, T.R., Relation of Channel Slope to Reaeration of Michigan Streams: Open-File Report 73-54; May 1973. 19 P, 5 Fig, 1 Tab, 4 Ref.

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