U. S. Geological Survey - Water Resources - Michigan District

Water Resources of Michigan

A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the St. Clair-Detroit River Waterway in the Great Lakes Basin

US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation 01-4236
Lansing, Michigan 2001

By:D. J. Holtschlag and J. A. Koschik

Model Input and Data Files Used in Parameter Estimation

Bathymetry data

The bathymetry file SCDBath01.dxf (14.4M) is an AutoCad™ formatted file that contains data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) surveys of St. Clair River and Detroit River in the summer of 2000 (in blue), composite data from surveys of Lake St. Clair (in green), and supplemental bathymetry data from NOAA recreational charts (in red).  Data from the bathymetry file was used to estimate elevations at model nodes by use of linear interpolation.  

Model geometry file

The model geometry file contains eastings, northings, and elevations of all nodes in the RMA2 hydrodynamic model of the St. Clair-Detroit River Waterway.  In addition, the geometry file identifies the individual nodes that form each element and the elements that are grouped together to form material zones.  The ASCII format of this file is SCD8.geo (2.1M); the binary form is SCD8.bin (1.9M).  

Model run control (and boundary specification) file

The model run control files provides input to control model simulations, including boundary specifications. The run control file, SCD8.SS1.bc (5k), is provided as an example. 

Hot-start file

A hot-start file provides initial conditions (flow velocities and water levels) at all nodes in the model.  Although use of a  hot-start file is optional, it may facilitate model computations, if the initial conditions are consistent with the boundary conditions specified in the run control file. The hot-start file, SCD8.SS1.ihot (3.5M), which is in binary format, is provided as an example.  

UCODE Universal Parameter Estimation Files

Manning's n values, hydraulic parameters describing the effective channel roughness, were estimated by nonlinear regression using UCODE, a universal parameter estimation code (Poeter, E.P., and Hill, M.C., 1998).  Files used in this parameter estimation process are provided below, with their standard file extensions, described in UCODE documentation. 

SCD8.SS.uni (27k):  The UNIVERSAL input file contains control parameters for the nonlinear regression and printing of parameter estimates, and contains expected values and uncertainties of measurements.  

SCD8.SS.ext: (25k): The EXTRACT file names the application model output files, and describes how to extract simulated values from output files for comparison with measured values.

SCD8.SS.pre (2k): The PREPARE file names the template files and the application model input files that the template files uses to create the defined parameters.  Provides the starting parameter values, reasonable minimum and maximum values of the parameters, perturbation size, and formatting information for substituting parameter values into template files. 

SCD8.SS1.tpl (5k): An example TEMPLATE file, which is a model run control file, edited so that search strings replace values derived from the defined parameters.   


Poeter, E.P., and Hill, M.C., 1998, Documentation of UCODE, A computer code for universal inverse modeling: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4080, 116 p.


Holtschlag, D.J., and Koschik, J.A., 2001, A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers within the Great Lakes Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4236, 60 p.

(Mr.Koschik is with the US Army Corps of Engineers in Detroit.)

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